Criminal History Guidelines

What Crimes Affect my Path to Licensure?

It depends on the license you wish to obtain.

A few licenses do have specific prohibitions that will result in the automatic denial of the license.  For example, you cannot obtain an armed private security officer license if you have a conviction that prohibits you from possessing a firearm.

To assist applicants for licensure, DOPL has created Criminal History Guidelines for each profession it licenses.  The Guidelines explain criminal history factors that are considered in a decision on whether or not to grant a license.  The Guidelines also describe why particular crimes "substantially" relate to an individual’s ability to safely and competently practice that specific occupation or profession.

To view the Guidelines, refer to the Criminal History tab of your specific profession page on our website.

Keep in mind these are only guidelines and current circumstances, laws, and rules on the date of application will influence licensing decisions.

If an individual's criminal history does not automatically disqualify them from licensure, the following factors are relevant to the licensing decision:

  • aggravating circumstances, as defined in Utah Admin. Code R156-1-102(2)
  • mitigating circumstances, as defined in Utah Admin. Code R156-1-120(15)
  • the degree of risk to the public health, safety, or welfare
  • the degree of risk that conduct will be repeated
  • the degree of risk that a condition will continue
  • the magnitude of the conduct or condition as it relates to harm or potential harm
  • the length of time since the last conduct or condition has occurred
  • the current criminal probationary or parole status of the applicant or licensee
  • the current administrative status of the applicant or licensee
  • results of previously submitted applications for any regulated profession or occupation
  • results from any action taken by any professional licensing agency, criminal or administrative agency, employer, practice monitoring group, entity, or association
  • evidence indicating that restricting or monitoring an individual's practice, conditions, or conduct can protect the public health, safety, or welfare
  • psychological evaluations
  • any other information DOPL or the board reasonably believes may assist in evaluating the degree of threat or potential threat to the public health, safety, or welfare