Professional Geology

Exam Information


ASBOG will be administering the PG and FG exams through a new computer-based testing platform beginning with the spring 2023 session. See details below under Exam Information. For questions or comments regarding this change, please contact

To Schedule either of these exams:

To qualify for licensure as a Professional Geologist in Utah, most applicants are required to pass the Fundamentals of Geology (FG) exam and the Practice of Geology (PG) exam. These are national exams developed by the National Association of State Boards of Geology (ASBOG). 

The process requires you to complete the ASBOG Exam Application below. Once you are registered, an email will be sent to you with additional information and further instructions.

To register for either of these exams, please complete the following application with SMT:

Out-of-State Applicants:

If you passed the FG and/or PG exam for states other than Utah, you must request an official verification of your scores be sent directly to DOPL. Applicants who were not required to take the FG and/or PG exam upon initial licensure must submit verification of geological experience as a principal showing at least 5 years of practice as a principal in the last 7 years and official verification of licensure covering a period of not less than 20 years of licensed practice.

If you have any additional QUESTIONS or CONCERNS that you are not able to address with the Exam Administrator mentioned above, you may contact