
Apply for an RN or LPN License

Military Resources: If you are a military member or military spouse, please review our Military Resources page before applying.


Registered nurses (RN's) and licensed practical nurses (LPN's) who live in Utah and meet the uniform licensure requirements may be eligible for a multistate license (compact license). Utah specific requirements can be viewed here. 

If you need to take the NCLEX, visit the Nurse Exam Information page

If you are currently licensed as the equivalent of a RN or LPN in another state, territory, or district of the United States you may qualify for licensure by endorsement. Click here for additional information on requirements and how to apply.

The following requirements must be met:

  • Take and pass the NCLEX or qualify for licensure by endorsement
  • Fingerprint cards: If you are utilizing the DOPL fingerprinting services, please submit your licensing application prior to making your appointment for fingerprinting. Visit our Fingerprint Information Page for details.

Do you hold an active license in another state? If so, have you requested Official verification? (Verification must include education and exam information). If the state you are licensed in participates in the NURSYS verifications system, go to to request the verification. If your state does not participate in NURSYS, you must request the verification from that state board of nursing and have it sent directly to the State of Utah. Your application can not be processed until the verification is received.

If you are a foreign graduate who does not qualify for licensure by endorsement and have taken the NCLEX for a state other than Utah, have you completed a CGFNS and CES Professional Report that indicates your education is equivalent to an approved program?

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