Controlled Substance Database
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - Buprenorphine
Maybe. If you comply fully with HIPAA Title 45 Regulations patient data sharing, you may. This falls under the following codes:
Health Information Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Title 45 Part 164-Security and Privacy and Utah Code Annotated UCA 58-37f-601 3(e)
Otherwise, you may discuss the CSD report with your patients and direct them to contact or visit the CSD office to request their own CSD report. They will need to complete a form and show a valid ID. The CSD can be reached at 801-530-6228 or by email [email protected].
Your rights to access the CSD fall within the following statute: Utah Code Annotated: (UCA) 58-37f Part 3 Section 301 "Access to Database"
House Bill 127 from the 2018 General Legislative Session amends portions of the Controlled Substance Database Act and states, "A prescriber shall check the database for information about a patient before the first time the prescriber gives a prescription to a patient for a Schedule II opioid or a Schedule III opioid." It continues to state, "If a prescriber is repeatedly prescribing a Schedule II opioid or Schedule III opioid to a patient, the prescriber shall periodically review information about the patient." More information can be found here: Utah Code Title 58, Chapter 37f Section 304
Utah House Bill 127 from the 2018 General Legislative Session amends portions of the Controlled Substance Database Act and states, "A prescriber shall check the database for information about a patient before the first time the prescriber gives a prescription to a patient for a Schedule II opioid or a Schedule III opioid." It continues to state, "If a prescriber is repeatedly prescribing a Schedule II opioid or Schedule III opioid to a patient, the prescriber shall periodically review information about the patient.." More information can be found here:Utah Code: Title 58-37f (304) and Title 58-37f (602) .
Additionally, Utah's prescribing guidelines for chronic and acute pain, and the CDC's prescribing guidelines for chronic pain can be found at: